Corporate Guidelines / Code of Conduct
WALTER SCHNEIDER GMBH operates in a sustainable manner. In doing so, we pursue the interests of the company on behalf of the shareholders, the employees and the general public to the same extent. WALTER SCHNEIDER GMBH respects the cultural, social, political and legal diversity of societies and nations. We comply with applicable laws and regulations of the respective countries as well as regions in which we operate and bring operational goals in line with the requirements listed below. These principles are part of our corporate culture. The employees of WALTER SCHNEIDER GMBH act accordingly.
* Forced Labor
Walter Schneider GmbH does not use any type of forced or involuntary labor, whether in the form
of indentured or bonded labor.
* Child labor
Walter Schneider GmbH prohibits child labor. The term "child" refers to any person under the age
of 15 or below the minimum age of earning capacity in the country in which Walter Schneider GmbH
operates, if higher.
* Human trafficking
Walter Schneider GmbH prohibits employees, subcontractors, agencies from engaging in human
trafficking activities and will pursue suspected cases of.
* Discrimination and harassment
Walter Schneider GmbH provides a work environment free of harassment and unlawful
discrimination. We do not tolerate discrimination against any person on the basis of personal
characteristics or beliefs, including ethnic origin, color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual
orientation, age or disability.
* Anti-bribery, -extortion and -corruption.
Walter Schneider GmbH does not accept, offer or pay bribes or engage in other corrupt practices
against legal entities or individuals such as extortion. We comply with all applicable laws against
* Privacy
Walter Schneider GmbH respects the right to privacy of its entire workforce. Business conduct at
all levels is free from attacks on the honor and reputation of any employee. Personal data is
processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.
* Financial responsibility
Walter Schneider GmbH complies with national legal and internal requirements for financial and
non-financial reporting and ensures accurate records.
* Disclosure of information
Walter Schneider GmbH complies with the legal requirements of non-financial reporting for its plant.
* Health and Safety
Walter Schneider GmbH provides a work environment that promotes and complies with applicable
health and safety regulations in all areas. Each employee is required to comply with the specific
and general rules and regulations.
* Working hours
Walter Schneider GmbH complies with local laws that regulate working hours at the site.
* Remuneration and fringe benefits
Compensation and fringe benefits of Die Walter Schneider GmbH employees are in compliance with applicable laws regarding minimum wages, overtime and legally mandated fringe benefits.
* Compliance with competition laws
Walter Schneider GmbH complies with antitrust and competition laws and does not tolerate any
contracts, agreements with horizontal or vertical arrangements with (potential) competitors or
partners that are contrary to free competition.
* Conflict of interest
Employees of Die Walter Schneider GmbH have a responsibility to act faithfully on behalf of the
company. Therefore, personally advantageous behavior will not be tolerated. Compliance with this
business principle is monitored by the organization / management.
* Counterfeit parts
Walter Schneider GmbH products bear clear markings and are traceable within the supply chain.
Walter Schneider GmbH will immediately notify its OEM and tier customers and take appropriate
legal action to protect the market if knowledge of counterfeit parts in circulation is obtained.
* Intellectual Property
Walter Schneider GmbH respects the intellectual property of its customers and market participants
and clears patent and utility model registrations to avoid infringement of its products.
* Export control and economic sanctions
Walter Schneider GmbH complies with all applicable laws not further described in these guidelines.
"Applicable Laws" means all laws, codes, rules and regulations, and applicable contracts at the
local, state, country and national levels.
* Other legal regulations
Die Walter Schneider GmbH befolgt Beschränkungen des Warenexports und des Handels mit Ländern, die durch internationale Gesetze und Vorschriften sanktioniert sind.
* Data Protection / Data Security
Walter Schneider GmbH protects the confidential information of its employees, companies and
customers with internal regulations and restrictions on access to data and confidential areas. Non-
disclosure agreements are consistently followed with customers and suppliers.
* Air Quality
To protect the environment, we follow air quality goals in accordance with laws and regulations and
strive to reduce air emissions.
* Energy consumption and greenhouse emissions
Energy-saving technologies, such as internal heat exchange techniques, the use of renewable
energy, and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, are integrated into our environmental
policies and activities.
* Management of natural resources and waste reduction
We apply rules for responsible raw material procurement in our company, with the aim of reducing
the use of primary materials, recycling and / or reusing secondary materials when possible to
conserve natural resources.
* Water quality and consumption
Integral to our environmental goals is the reduction of water consumption and the maintenance of
water quality by minimizing the risk of contamination of effluents and monitoring effluents discharged from processes to the environment.
* Responsible chemical management
Our plant monitors chemicals in accordance with safety and environmental laws. Our environmental
policies and activities focus on the reduction or substitution of hazardous chemicals that have a
major impact on the environment.
* Environmental laws
We operate at our site in compliance with regional / local environmental protection aspects and the
laws and regulations governing our products and processes.
WALTER SCHNEIDER GMBH is committed to the principle of social market economy and fair competition.
* Competition
The rules of competition and antitrust law are observed. We promote fair competition within and outside our industry. We reject unfair competitive practices.
We regard our suppliers as business partners with whom we work out and act together on the market through reliability and quality as well as a fair balance of interests and conditions in line with the market. We demand from our suppliers only what is feasible, but this permanently and reliably. A sustainable environmental / energy and health policy is expected from our suppliers. Corresponding customer requirements
* Risk Management
Through our mission statement, WALTER SCHNEIDER GMBH has the goal to guarantee the ability to deliver at any time and to limit any damage in case of occurrence. The risk management is focused on procurement and production bottlenecks, elementary damages as well as conceivable catastrophes. The preparation and implementation of risk management is the responsibility of the management and will.
Internal organization for compliance with this code of conduct
Each department is responsible for compliance with the regulations contained in this Code of
Conduct as well as other rules defined internally within the company in its area of responsibility.
If you suspect non-compliance with the principles and requirements described or have any
questions about the content of the Code of Conduct, please contact the relevant department heads
or the management.
The Management